The walk to back up the talk.
What I use to build software.
These are unfinished, hobby projects I've built on the side, dating all the way back to high school.
My Kubernetes configs and my docker-compose configs are almost identical. Why not make a consilidated configuration format?As a developer heavily involved in ops and easing my team's development workflows, I found myself frustrated with the amount of copy-pasted YAML every time a new configuration was added or updated. This project aims to consilidate all configuration into a single YAML file that generates env files, Dockerfiles, deployments, secrets, and configmaps, as well as mapping between local development dependencies and helm releases.
I wanted to learn about the HTTP implementation and TCL, so I combined them into a simple project.TCLS is a small, from-scratch HTTP server written in TCL. While not nearly feature complete, it can handle basic static content serving, and understands HTTP verbs, MIME types, and a basic routing DSL is provided as well.
What's better than the FORTH programming language on one architecture? How about native FORTH on any architecture?ForthStrap is a FORTH implementation written from the ground up to be portable. The build process uses a simple porting interface that allows very quick deployment to any architecture desired. After the initial environment is built, ForthStrap programs can work portably between any architecture.
It's hard to appreciate how operating systems work without building one or two yourself. The x86 architecture is a mystifying place, but the tried-and-true approach of keeping it simple allowed me to build a UNIX-like kernel.
A biography and some contact information.